Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Technology...Not Quite All That

The twenty-first century has come with an abundance of new technologies. From personal devices, to military, to medical, people sometimes cannot fathom what life would be like without the new amenities that we have only had for a couple of years. As great as the advances in technology are, many of the negative aspects are being overlooked. Everyone is rushing to become as connected as possible by constantly checking social media sites, texting friends, and seeing the latest updates in the world. Becoming hyper connected is what people are striving for, but how often do people look at the downsides of such actions? When people are constantly paying attention to the screens at their disposal, quickly switching from task to task, we lose the depth and focus that are so crucial in our lives.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Entertainment Industry And The Culture Of Violence

Is there a “culture of violence” that is plaguing the American public? It seems as though many adults, especially politicians believe this to be true and are using this reason to suggest change in this election year. But where does this stem from?  Is life more violent than it used to be, or are all the stories just out in the open rather than kept quiet? The entertainment industry holds one of the largest influences and puts these ideas in the open to the public so this is where I see this idea sprouting.