Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Oh What We Can Learn

The internet can be an incredible wealth of information and can teach us new things through reading articles, listening to podcasts, or watching a YouTube clip. But the most important thing about all these ways to learn is that without immersing oneself or practicing these philosophies/tricks/subjects, there is no way to fully understand them. I have found myself spending a lot of time reading articles about various philosophies and say to myself "That is a great idea. I should live like this". But then I would simply go on to read another article without putting the new idea into practice. But now I have started to act and I am beginning to see results. I was skeptical at first thinking some things wouldn't actually work, yet the mind can be quite powerful. Thoughts become actions and things, both positive or negative all depending on how we think.

1 comment:

  1. The happiest people are those who choose a subject or career that utterly absorbs them, one that is seen not as drudgery, but as an obsessive pleasure. Yet since it's an imperfect world you might find along the way that you regrettably ignore family, friends, and social duties for your
    all-important career. As I said, life ain't perfect. Wouldn't perfection be boring?
